
  • 파이썬 정렬 알고리즘 모음 + 속도 테스트
    컴퓨터/파이썬 2020. 8. 10. 16:34

    15개 정렬 알고리즘 소개

    0. 정렬 알고리즘 속도 테스트 코드

    big-O-calculator 이용 @설치 링크

    import bisect
    import heapq
    import inspect
    from random import randint, shuffle
    from statistics import mean
    from timeit import default_timer, repeat
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from bigO import BigO
    from win10toast import ToastNotifier
    # timeit.repeat 이용
    def runAlgorithm(algorithm, array, timeResults):
        setup_code = f"from __main__ import {algorithm}" if algorithm != "sorted" else ""
        stmt = f"{algorithm}({array})"
        times = repeat(setup=setup_code, stmt=stmt, repeat=3, number=5)
        timeResults[algorithm] = round(min(times), 5)
        print(f"def: {algorithm}(), 최소 실행 시간: {mean(times)/5:.5f}초")
    # timeit.default_timer() 직접 계산
    def runAlgorithm2(algorithm, array, timeResults):
        tot = 0.0
        # print("정렬 전", array)
        t0 = default_timer()
        if algorithm == "sorted":
            result = list(sorted(array))
            result = globals()[algorithm](array)
        t1 = default_timer()
        # print("정렬 후", result)
        print(f"{algorithm}() 정렬 결과 : {list(sorted(array)) ==  result}")
        tot += t1 - t0
        timeResults[algorithm] = round(tot, 5)
        print(f"def: {algorithm}(), 최소 실행 시간: {tot:.5f}초")
    # 추천
    def runAlgorithm3(algorithm, array, timeResults):
        lib = BigO()
        # print("정렬 전", array)
        testArray = array.copy()
        time, result = lib.runtime(algorithm, testArray, epoch=3, prtResult=False)  # 3회 평균
        print(f"{algorithm.__name__}(array) 정렬 결과 : {sorted(testArray) ==  result}")
        # print("정렬 후", result)
        timeResults[algorithm] = round(time, 5)
    def retrieve_name(var):  # 변수 이름 가져오기
        callers_local_vars = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals.items()
        return [var_name for var_name, var_val in callers_local_vars if var_val is var]
    def saveResultAsPNG(timeResults, name, title):  # 그래프 저장
        times = []
        labels = []
        # 값에 따른 정렬
        for key, value in sorted(timeResults.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8), dpi=80)  # 800x640
        ax = plt.subplot()
        ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=20)
        plt.bar(range(len(times)), times)
        plt.title(f"{title} (length: {ARRAY_LENGTH})")
        plt.ylabel("Times (sec)")
    def switch(name):
        return {
            "array1": "Random",
            "array2": "Decending sorted",
            "array3": "Ascending sorted",
            "array4": "Partially sorted",
            "array5": "Ksorted",
            "array6": "All equal",
            "array7": "Almost equal",
            "array8": "Hole",
        }.get(name, "")
    toaster = ToastNotifier()
                       "Sorting algorithms are running",
    # setrecursionlimit(ARRAY_LENGTH)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        lib = BigO()
        ARRAY_LENGTH = 5000  # 배열 크기
        # Random
        array1 = lib.genRandomArray(ARRAY_LENGTH)
        # Decending sorted
        array2 = lib.genReversedArray(ARRAY_LENGTH)
        # Ascending sorted
        array3 = lib.genSortedArray(ARRAY_LENGTH)
        # Partially sorted
        array4 = lib.genPartialArray(ARRAY_LENGTH)
        # Ksorted
        array5 = lib.genKsortedArray(ARRAY_LENGTH, ARRAY_LENGTH.bit_length())
        # Equal
        array6 = lib.genEqualArray(ARRAY_LENGTH)
        # Almost Equal
        array7 = lib.genAlmostEqualArray(ARRAY_LENGTH)
        # Hole
        array8 = lib.genHoleArray(ARRAY_LENGTH)
        # for 1, 2 run()
        times = {"sorted": 0, "countSort": 0, "introSort": 0,
                 "timSort": 0, "quickSort": 0, "mergeSort": 0, "heapSort": 0,
                 "smoothSort": 0,
                 "pancakeSort": 0, "insertSort": 0, "bubbleSort": 0,
                 "gnomeSort": 0}
        run = {
            sorted: 0,
            countSort: 0,
            introSort: 0,
            timSort: 0,
            quickSort2: 0,
            mergeSort: 0,
            heapSort: 0,
            smoothSort: 0,
            pancakeSort: 0,
            insertSort: 0,
            insertSort2: 0,
            binaryInsertSort: 0,
            bubbleSort: 0,
            goSort: 0,
        test = [array1, array2, array3, array4, array5, array6, array7, array8]
        for index in range(len(test)):
            for function in run.keys():
                testArray = test[index].copy()  # Shallow Copy
                runAlgorithm3(algorithm=function, array=testArray, timeResults=run)
            name = switch(retrieve_name(test[index])[0])
            saveResultAsPNG(run3, f"array{index + 1}.png", name)
        # runAlgorithm(algorithm="bogoSort", array=testArray, timeResults=times)
            "Sorting", "Measurements done", icon_path=None, duration=5, threaded=False

    1. Bubble Sort (버블 정렬)

    def bubbleSort(array):  # in-place | stable
        Best : O(n) | O(1) Space
        Average : O(n^2) | O(1) Space
        Worst : O(n^2) | O(1) Space
        isSorted = False
        counter = 0
        n = len(array) - 1
        while not isSorted:
            isSorted = True
            for i in range(n - counter):
                if array[i] > array[i + 1]:
                    array[i], array[i + 1] = array[i + 1], array[i]
                    isSorted = False
            counter += 1
        return array

    2. Binary Insertion Sort (바이너리 삽입 정렬)

    def binarySearch(array, item, start, end):
        if start == end:
            if array[start] > item:
                return start
                return start + 1
        if start > end:
            return start
        mid = (start + end) // 2
        if array[mid] < item:
            return binarySearch(array, item, mid + 1, end)
        elif array[mid] > item:
            return binarySearch(array, item, start, mid - 1)
            return mid
    def binaryInsertSort(array):
        for index in range(1, len(array)):
            value = array[index]
            pos = binarySearch(array, value, 0, index - 1)
            array = array[:pos] + [value] + \
                array[pos:index] + array[index + 1:]
        return array

    3. Bogo Sort

    def bogoSort(array):  # in-place
        Best Case Complexity: O(n)
        Average Case Complexity: O(n(n-1)!)
        Worst Case Complexity: O(∞)
        def is_sorted(array):
            i = 0
            while i+1 < len(array):
                if array[i] > array[i+1]:
                    return False
                i += 1
            return True
        while not is_sorted(array):
        return array

    4. Brick Sort (Odd-Even Sort) 홀짝 정렬

    def brickSort(array):
        """ Odd-Even Sort"""
        isSorted = False
        n = len(array) - 1
        while not isSorted:
            isSorted = True
            for i in range(1, n, 2):
                if array[i] > array[i + 1]:
                    array[i], array[i + 1] = array[i + 1], array[i]
                    isSorted = False
            for i in range(0, n, 2):
                if array[i] > array[i + 1]:
                    array[i], array[i + 1] = array[i + 1], array[i]
                    isSorted = False
        return array

    5. Count Sort

    def countSort(arr):  # stable
        # Time Complexity : O(n) | Space Complexity : O(n)
        minValue = min(arr)
        maxValue = max(arr) - minValue
        buckets = [0 for _ in range(maxValue + 1)]
        for i in arr:
            buckets[i - minValue] += 1
        index = 0
        for i in range(len(buckets)):
            while buckets[i] > 0:
                arr[index] = i + minValue
                index += 1
                buckets[i] -= 1
        return arr

    6. Comb Sort (빗 정렬)

    def combSort(array):
        gap = n = len(array)
        swapped = True
        while gap > 1 or swapped:
            swapped = False
            gap = int(gap * 10 / 13)
            if gap < 1:
                swapped = False
                gap = 1
            for i in range(n - gap):
                if array[i] > array[i + gap]:
                    array[i], array[i + gap] = array[i + gap], array[i]
                    swapped = True
        return array

    7. Gnome Sort

    def gnomeSort(array):  # in-place | stable
        Best : O(n) Time | O(1) Space
        Average : O(n^2) Time | O(1) Space
        Worst : O(n^2) Time | O(1) Space
        index = 0
        while index < len(array):
            if index == 0:
                index = index + 1
            if array[index] >= array[index - 1]:
                index = index + 1
                array[index], array[index-1] = array[index-1], array[index]
                index = index - 1
        return array

    8. Heap Sort (힙 정렬)

    def heapSort(arr):  # in-place | not-stable
        # Time Complexity O(nlogn) | Space Complexity O(1)
        def heapify(arr, n, i):  # Max Heap
            largest = i  # 트리에서 가장 큰 값 찾기
            l = 2 * i + 1  # Left Node
            r = 2 * i + 2  # Right Node
            if l < n and arr[i] < arr[l]:
                largest = l
            if r < n and arr[largest] < arr[r]:
                largest = r
            # root가 최대가 아니면
            # 최대 값과 바꾸고, 계속 heapify
            if largest != i:
                arr[i], arr[largest] = arr[largest], arr[i]
                heapify(arr, n, largest)
        n = len(arr)
        for i in range(n // 2, -1, -1):
            heapify(arr, n, i)
        for i in range(n - 1, 0, -1):
            arr[i], arr[0] = arr[0], arr[i]
            # Heapify root element
            heapify(arr, i, 0)
        return arr
    # 파이썬 heappop, heapify 소스 이용
    def heapSort2(iterable):  # in-place | not-stable
        # Time Complexity O(nlogn)
        # Using Python source at
        # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/975d10a4f8f5d99b01d02fc5f99305a86827f28e/Lib/heapq.py
        def heappop(heap):
            """Pop the smallest item off the heap, maintaining the heap invariant."""
            lastelt = heap.pop()  # raises appropriate IndexError if heap is empty
            if heap:
                returnitem = heap[0]
                heap[0] = lastelt
                _siftup(heap, 0)
                return returnitem
            return lastelt
        def _siftup(heap, pos):
            endpos = len(heap)
            startpos = pos
            newitem = heap[pos]
            # Bubble up the smaller child until hitting a leaf.
            childpos = 2 * pos + 1  # leftmost child position
            while childpos < endpos:
                # Set childpos to index of smaller child.
                rightpos = childpos + 1
                if rightpos < endpos and not heap[childpos] < heap[rightpos]:
                    childpos = rightpos
                # Move the smaller child up.
                heap[pos] = heap[childpos]
                pos = childpos
                childpos = 2 * pos + 1
            # The leaf at pos is empty now.  Put newitem there, and bubble it up
            # to its final resting place (by sifting its parents down).
            heap[pos] = newitem
            _siftdown(heap, startpos, pos)
        def _siftdown(heap, startpos, pos):
            newitem = heap[pos]
            # Follow the path to the root, moving parents down until finding a place
            # newitem fits.
            while pos > startpos:
                parentpos = (pos - 1) >> 1
                parent = heap[parentpos]
                if newitem < parent:
                    heap[pos] = parent
                    pos = parentpos
            heap[pos] = newitem
        def heapify(x):
            """Transform list into a heap, in-place, in O(len(x)) time."""
            n = len(x)
            # Transform bottom-up.  The largest index there's any point to looking at
            # is the largest with a child index in-range, so must have 2*i + 1 < n,
            # or i < (n-1)/2.  If n is even = 2*j, this is (2*j-1)/2 = j-1/2 so
            # j-1 is the largest, which is n//2 - 1.  If n is odd = 2*j+1, this is
            # (2*j+1-1)/2 = j so j-1 is the largest, and that's again n//2-1.
            for i in reversed(range(n // 2)):
                _siftup(x, i)
            return x
        h = heapify(iterable)
        return [heappop(h) for _ in range(len(h))]

    heapSort2를 파이썬 소스에서 따와서 사용해보았는데

    전체적으로 heapSort2가 237% 가량 빠르다.


    9. Insertion Sort (삽입 정렬)

    def insertSort(array):  # in-place | stable
        Best O(n) Time | O(1) Space
        Average O(n^2) Time | O(1) Space
        Worst (On^2) Time | O(1) Space
        for i in range(len(array)):
            j = i
            toChange = array[i]
            while (j != 0 and array[j - 1] > toChange):
                array[j] = array[j - 1]
                j -= 1
            array[j] = toChange
        return array
    # 좀 더 간단히
    def insertSort(array):
        for i in range(1, len(array)):
            j = i
            while j > 0 and array[j] < array[j - 1]:
                array[j], array[j - 1] = array[j - 1], array[j]
                j -= 1
        return array

    9-1. Insertion Sort 최적화

    정렬된 케이스빼곤 3~5배 정도 빠름

    def insertSortOptimized(array):
        for i in range(1, len(array)):
            if array[i] >= array[i - 1]:
            for j in range(i):
                if array[i] < array[j]:
                    array[j], array[j + 1 : i + 1] = array[i], array[j:i]
        return array

    10. Introspective Sort (내성 정렬)

    heap Sort + Insertion Sort + Quick Sort


    def introSort(array):  # in-place | not-stable
        # Time Complexity O(nlogn) | Space Complexity O(logn)
        maxDepth = 2 * (len(array).bit_length() - 1)
        sizeThreshold = 16
        return introSortHelper(array, 0, len(array), sizeThreshold, maxDepth)
    def introSortHelper(array, start, end, sizeThreshold, depthLimit):
        def medianOf3(array, lowIdx, midIdx, highIdx):
            if (array[lowIdx] - array[midIdx]) * (array[highIdx] - array[lowIdx]) >= 0:
                return array[lowIdx]
            elif (array[midIdx] - array[lowIdx]) * (array[highIdx] - array[midIdx]) >= 0:
                return array[midIdx]
                return array[highIdx]
        def getPartition(array, low, high, pivot):
            i = low
            j = high
            while True:
                while (array[i] < pivot):
                    i += 1
                j -= 1
                while (pivot < array[j]):
                    j -= 1
                if i >= j:
                    return i
                array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]
                i += 1
        while(end - start > sizeThreshold):
            if depthLimit == 0:
                return heapSort(array)
            depthLimit -= 1
            median = medianOf3(array, start, start +
                               ((end - start) // 2) + 1, end - 1)
            p = getPartition(array, start, end, median)
            introSortHelper(array, p, end, sizeThreshold, depthLimit)
            end = p
        return insertSort(array, start, end)
    def insertSort(array, begin=0, end=None):  # in-place | stable
        Best O(n) Time | O(1) Space
        Average O(n^2) Time | O(1) Space
        Worst (On^2) Time | O(1) Space
        if end == None:
            end = len(array)
        for i in range(begin, end):
            j = i
            toChange = array[i]
            while (j != begin and array[j - 1] > toChange):
                array[j] = array[j - 1]
                j -= 1
            array[j] = toChange
        return array

    11. Merge Sort (병합 정렬)

    def mergeSort(array):  # stable
        Best : O(nlogn) Time | O(n) Space
        Average : O(nlogn) Time | O(n) Space
        Worst : O(nlongn) Time | O(n) Space
        def mergeHelper(main, startIdx, endIdx, aux):
            if startIdx == endIdx:
            middleIdx = (startIdx + endIdx) // 2
            mergeHelper(aux, startIdx, middleIdx, main)
            mergeHelper(aux, middleIdx + 1, endIdx, main)
            merge(main, startIdx, middleIdx, endIdx, aux)
        def merge(main, startIdx, middleIdx, endIdx, aux):
            k = startIdx
            i = startIdx
            j = middleIdx + 1
            while i <= middleIdx and j <= endIdx:
                if aux[i] <= aux[j]:
                    main[k] = aux[i]
                    i += 1
                    main[k] = aux[j]
                    j += 1
                k += 1
            while i <= middleIdx:
                main[k] = aux[i]
                i += 1
                k += 1
            while j <= endIdx:
                main[k] = aux[j]
                j += 1
                k += 1
        if len(array) <= 1:
            return array
        aux = array[:]
        mergeHelper(array, 0, len(array) - 1, aux)
        return array

    12. Pancake Sort (팬케이크 정렬)

    def pancakeSort(array):  # in-place | not-stable
        # O(n^2) Time | O(N) Space
        if len(array) <= 1:
            return array
        for cur in range(len(array), 1, -1):
            # Finding index of maximum number in arr
            index_max = array.index(max(array[0:cur]))
            if index_max+1 != cur:
                # Needs moving
                if index_max != 0:
                    # reverse from 0 to index_max
                    array[:index_max+1] = reversed(array[:index_max+1])
                # Reverse list
                array[:cur] = reversed(array[:cur])
        return array

    13. Quick Sort (빠른 정렬)

    빠른 정렬은 pivot 선택 방식에 따라 속도 차이가 난다.

    보통, low=0, mid=(high-low)//2, end=len(array) -1을 사용하지만, 이 방식은 정렬된 배열에서 속도가 매우 떨어진다.

    최적화 방법1)

    pivot 선택 랜덤 getMedian(randint[len(array)-1], randint[len(array)-1], randint[len(array)-1])

    위 방식은, $1.2nlogn$ 비교를 하게 된다.

    def quickSort(array):  # in-place | not-stable
        Best : O(nlogn) Time | O(logn) Space
        Average : O(nlogn) Time | O(logn) Space
        Worst : O(n^2) Time | O(logn) Space
        if len(array) <= 1:
            return array
        smaller, equal, larger = [], [], []
        pivot = array[randint(0, len(array)-1)]
        for x in array:
            if x < pivot:
            elif x == pivot:
        return quickSort(smaller)+equal+quickSort(larger)
    # Hoare + Tail recursive + insertion sort
    def quickSort2(array, low=0, high=None):
        def insertSort(array, low=1, high=None):
            if high is None:
                high = len(array)
            for i in range(low, high):
                j = i
                while j > 0 and array[j] < array[j - 1]:
                    array[j], array[j - 1] = array[j - 1], array[j]
                    j -= 1
            return array
        if high is None:
            high = len(array) - 1
        while low < high and high - low > 16:
            q = partition(array, low, high)
            quickSort2(array, low, q)
            low = q + 1
        return insertSort(array, low + 1, high + 1)
    # Hoare's partition scheme
    def partition(array, low, high):
        pivot = array[(high + low) // 2]
        # pivot = array[randint(low, high)]
        i = low - 1
        j = high + 1
        while True:
            i += 1
            while array[i] < pivot:
                i += 1
            j -= 1
            while array[j] > pivot:
                j -= 1
            if i >= j:
                return j
            array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]
    # QuickSort 단순 버전
    def quickSortSimple(arr):
        if len(arr) <= 1:
            return arr
            return quickSortSimple([x for x in arr[1:] if x < arr[0]]) + [arr[0]] + quickSortSimple([x for x in arr[1:] if x >= arr[0]])

    14. Selection Sort (선택 정렬)

    def selectionSort(array):  # in-place, unstable
        Best : O(n^2) Time | O(1) Space
        Average : O(n^2) Time | O(1) Space
        Worst : O(n^2) Time | O(1) Space
        for currentIdx in range(len(array) - 1):
            smallestIdx = currentIdx
            for i in range(currentIdx + 1, len(array)):
                if array[smallestIdx] > array[i]:
                    smallestIdx = i
            array[currentIdx], array[smallestIdx] = array[smallestIdx], array[currentIdx]
        return array

    15. Tim Sort

    import bisect
    def timSort(lst):  # in-place | stable
        Python sort(), sorted() implementation
        from https://github.com/hu-ng/timsort/blob/master/timsort.py
        Best : O(n) Time | O(n) Space
        Average : O(nlogn) Time | O(n) Space
        Worst : O(nlogn) Time | O(n) Space
        def reverse(lst, s, e):
            """Reverse the order of a list in place
            Input: s = starting index, e = ending index"""
            while s < e and s != e:
                lst[s], lst[e] = lst[e], lst[s]
                s += 1
                e -= 1
        def make_temp_array(lst, s, e):
            """From the lst given, make a copy from index s to index e"""
            array = []
            while s <= e:
                s += 1
            return array
        def merge_compute_minrun(n):
            """Returns the minimum length of a run from 23 - 64 so that
            the len(array)/minrun is less than or equal to a power of 2."""
            r = 0
            while n >= 32:
                r |= n & 1
                n >>= 1
            return n + r
        def count_run(lst, s_run):
            """Count the length of one run, returns starting/ending indices,
            a boolean value to present increasing/decreasing run,
            and the length of the run"""
            increasing = True
            # If count_run started at the final position of the array
            if s_run == len(lst) - 1:
                return [s_run, s_run, increasing, 1]
                e_run = s_run
                # Decreasing run (strictly decreasing):
                if lst[s_run] > lst[s_run + 1]:
                    while lst[e_run] > lst[e_run + 1]:
                        e_run += 1
                        if e_run == len(lst) - 1:
                    increasing = False
                    return [s_run, e_run, increasing, e_run - s_run + 1]
                # Increasing run (non-decreasing):
                    while lst[e_run] <= lst[e_run + 1]:
                        e_run += 1
                        if e_run == len(lst) - 1:
                    return [s_run, e_run, increasing, e_run - s_run + 1]
        def bin_sort(lst, s, e, extend):
            """Binary insertion sort, assumed that lst[s:e + 1] is sorted.
            Extend the run by the number indicated by 'extend'"""
            for i in range(1, extend + 1):
                pos = 0
                start = s
                end = e + i
                # Value to be inserted
                value = lst[end]
                # If the value is already bigger than the last element from start -> end:
                # Don't do the following steps
                if value >= lst[end - 1]:
                # While-loop does the binary search
                while start <= end:
                    if start == end:
                        if lst[start] > value:
                            pos = start
                            pos = start + 1
                    mid = (start + end) // 2
                    if value >= lst[mid]:
                        start = mid + 1
                        end = mid - 1
                if start > end:
                    pos = start
                # 'Push' the elements to the right by 1 element
                # Copy the value back the right position.
                for x in range(e + i, pos, -1):
                    lst[x] = lst[x - 1]
                lst[pos] = value
        def gallop(lst, val, low, high, ltr):
            """Find the index of val in the slice[low:high]"""
            if ltr == True:
                # Used for merging from left to right
                # The index found will be so that every element prior
                # to that index is strictly smaller than val
                pos = bisect.bisect_left(lst, val, low, high)
                return pos
                # Used for merging from right to left
                # The index found will be so that every element from
                # that index onwards is strictly larger than val
                pos = bisect.bisect_right(lst, val, low, high)
                return pos
        def merge(lst, stack, run_num):
            """Merge the two runs and update the remaining runs in the stack
            Only consequent runs are merged, one lower, one upper."""
            # Make references to the to-be-merged runs
            run_a = stack[run_num]
            run_b = stack[run_num + 1]
            # Make a reference to where the new combined run would be.
            new_run = [run_a[0], run_b[1], True, run_b[1] - run_a[0] + 1]
            # Put this new reference in the correct position in the stack
            stack[run_num] = new_run
            # Delete the upper run of the two runs from the stack
            del stack[run_num + 1]
            # If the length of run_a is smaller than or equal to length of run_b
            if run_a[3] <= run_b[3]:
                merge_low(lst, run_a, run_b, 7)
            # If the length of run_a is bigger than length of run_b
                merge_high(lst, run_a, run_b, 7)
        def merge_low(lst, a, b, min_gallop):
            """Merges the two runs quasi in-place if a is the smaller run
            - a and b are lists that store data of runs
            - min_gallop: threshold needed to switch to galloping mode
            - galloping mode: uses gallop() to 'skip' elements instead of linear merge"""
            # Make a copy of the run a, the smaller run
            temp_array = make_temp_array(lst, a[0], a[1])
            # The first index of the merging area
            k = a[0]
            # Counter for the temp array of a
            i = 0
            # Counter for b, starts at the beginning
            j = b[0]
            gallop_thresh = min_gallop
            while True:
                a_count = 0  # number of times a win in a row
                b_count = 0  # number of times b win in a row
                # Linear merge mode, taking note of how many times a and b wins in a row.
                # If a_count or b_count > threshold, switch to gallop
                while i <= len(temp_array) - 1 and j <= b[1]:
                    # if elem in a is smaller, a wins
                    if temp_array[i] <= lst[j]:
                        lst[k] = temp_array[i]
                        k += 1
                        i += 1
                        a_count += 1
                        b_count = 0
                        # If a runs out during linear merge
                        # Copy the rest of b
                        if i > len(temp_array) - 1:
                            while j <= b[1]:
                                lst[k] = lst[j]
                                k += 1
                                j += 1
                        # threshold reached, switch to gallop
                        if a_count >= gallop_thresh:
                    # if elem in b is smaller, b wins
                        lst[k] = lst[j]
                        k += 1
                        j += 1
                        a_count = 0
                        b_count += 1
                        # If b runs out during linear merge
                        # copy the rest of a
                        if j > b[1]:
                            while i <= len(temp_array) - 1:
                                lst[k] = temp_array[i]
                                k += 1
                                i += 1
                        # threshold reached, switch to gallop
                        if b_count >= gallop_thresh:
                # If one run is winning consistently, switch to galloping mode.
                # i, j, and k are incremented accordingly
                while True:
                    # Look for the position of b[j] in a
                    # bisect_left() -> a_adv = index in the slice [i: len(temp_array)]
                    # so that every elem before temp_array[a_adv] is strictly smaller than lst[j]
                    a_adv = gallop(temp_array, lst[j], i, len(temp_array), True)
                    # Copy the elements prior to a_adv to the merge area, increment k
                    for x in range(i, a_adv):
                        lst[k] = temp_array[x]
                        k += 1
                    # Update the a_count to check successfulness of galloping
                    a_count = a_adv - i
                    # Advance i to a_adv
                    i = a_adv
                    # If run a runs out
                    if i > len(temp_array) - 1:
                        # Copy all of b over, if there is any left
                        while j <= b[1]:
                            lst[k] = lst[j]
                            k += 1
                            j += 1
                    # Copy b[j] over
                    lst[k] = lst[j]
                    k += 1
                    j += 1
                    # If b runs out
                    if j > b[1]:
                        # Copy all of a over, if there is any left
                        while i < len(temp_array):
                            lst[k] = temp_array[i]
                            k += 1
                            i += 1
                    # ------------------------------------------------------
                    # Look for the position of a[i] in b
                    # b_adv is analogous to a_adv
                    b_adv = gallop(lst, temp_array[i], j, b[1] + 1, True)
                    for y in range(j, b_adv):
                        lst[k] = lst[y]
                        k += 1
                    # Update the counters and check the conditions
                    b_count = b_adv - j
                    j = b_adv
                    # If b runs out
                    if j > b[1]:
                        # copy the rest of a over
                        while i <= len(temp_array) - 1:
                            lst[k] = temp_array[i]
                            k += 1
                            i += 1
                    # copy a[i] over to the merge area
                    lst[k] = temp_array[i]
                    i += 1
                    k += 1
                    # If a runs out
                    if i > len(temp_array) - 1:
                        # copy the rest of b over
                        while j <= b[1]:
                            lst[k] = lst[j]
                            k += 1
                            j += 1
                    # if galloping proves to be unsuccessful, return to linear
                    if a_count < gallop_thresh and b_count < gallop_thresh:
                # punishment for leaving galloping
                # makes it harder to enter galloping next time
                gallop_thresh += 1
        def merge_high(lst, a, b, min_gallop):
            """Merges the two runs quasi in-place if b is the smaller run
            - Analogous to merge_low, but starts from the end
            - a and b are lists that store data of runs
            - min_gallop: threshold needed to switch to galloping mode
            - galloping mode: uses gallop() to 'skip' elements instead of linear merge"""
            # Make a copy of b, the smaller run
            temp_array = make_temp_array(lst, b[0], b[1])
            # Counter for the merge area, starts at the last index of array b
            k = b[1]
            # Counter for the temp array
            i = len(temp_array) - 1  # Lower bound is 0
            # Counter for a, starts at the end this time
            j = a[1]
            gallop_thresh = min_gallop
            while True:
                a_count = 0  # number of times a win in a row
                b_count = 0  # number of times b win in a row
                # Linear merge, taking note of how many times a and b wins in a row.
                # If a_count or b_count > threshold, switch to gallop
                while i >= 0 and j >= a[0]:
                    if temp_array[i] > lst[j]:
                        lst[k] = temp_array[i]
                        k -= 1
                        i -= 1
                        a_count = 0
                        b_count += 1
                        # If b runs out during linear merge
                        if i < 0:
                            while j >= a[0]:
                                lst[k] = lst[j]
                                k -= 1
                                j -= 1
                        if b_count >= gallop_thresh:
                        lst[k] = lst[j]
                        k -= 1
                        j -= 1
                        a_count += 1
                        b_count = 0
                        # If a runs out during linear merge
                        if j < a[0]:
                            while i >= 0:
                                lst[k] = temp_array[i]
                                k -= 1
                                i -= 1
                        if a_count >= gallop_thresh:
                # i, j, k are DECREMENTED in this case
                while True:
                    # Look for the position of b[i] in a[0, j + 1]
                    # ltr = False -> uses bisect_right()
                    a_adv = gallop(lst, temp_array[i], a[0], j + 1, False)
                    # Copy the elements from a_adv -> j to merge area
                    # Go backwards to the index a_adv
                    for x in range(j, a_adv - 1, -1):
                        lst[k] = lst[x]
                        k -= 1
                    # # Update the a_count to check successfulness of galloping
                    a_count = j - a_adv + 1
                    # Decrement index j
                    j = a_adv - 1
                    # If run a runs out:
                    if j < a[0]:
                        while i >= 0:
                            lst[k] = temp_array[i]
                            k -= 1
                            i -= 1
                    # Copy the b[i] into the merge area
                    lst[k] = temp_array[i]
                    k -= 1
                    i -= 1
                    # If a runs out:
                    if i < 0:
                        while j >= a[0]:
                            lst[k] = lst[j]
                            k -= 1
                            j -= 1
                    # -------------------------------------------------
                    # Look for the position of A[j] in B:
                    b_adv = gallop(temp_array, lst[j], 0, i + 1, False)
                    for y in range(i, b_adv - 1, -1):
                        lst[k] = temp_array[y]
                        k -= 1
                    b_count = i - b_adv + 1
                    i = b_adv - 1
                    # If b runs out:
                    if i < 0:
                        while j >= a[0]:
                            lst[k] = lst[j]
                            k -= 1
                            j -= 1
                    # Copy the a[j] back to the merge area
                    lst[k] = lst[j]
                    k -= 1
                    j -= 1
                    # If a runs out:
                    if j < a[0]:
                        while i >= 0:
                            lst[k] = temp_array[i]
                            k -= 1
                            i -= 1
                    # if galloping proves to be unsuccessful, return to linear
                    if a_count < gallop_thresh and b_count < gallop_thresh:
                # punishment for leaving galloping
                gallop_thresh += 1
        def merge_collapse(lst, stack):
            """The last three runs in the stack is A, B, C.
            Maintains invariants so that their lengths: A > B + C, B > C
            Translated to stack positions:
            stack[-3] > stack[-2] + stack[-1]
            stack[-2] > stack[-1]
            Takes a stack that holds many lists of type [s, e, bool, length]"""
            # This loops keeps running until stack has one element
            # or the invariant holds.
            while len(stack) > 1:
                if len(stack) >= 3 and stack[-3][3] <= stack[-2][3] + stack[-1][3]:
                    if stack[-3][3] < stack[-1][3]:
                        # merge -3 and -2, merge at -3
                        merge(lst, stack, -3)
                        # merge -2 and -1, merge at -2
                        merge(lst, stack, -2)
                elif stack[-2][3] <= stack[-1][3]:
                    # merge -2 and -1, merge at -2
                    merge(lst, stack, -2)
        def merge_force_collapse(lst, stack):
            """When the invariant holds and there are > 1 run
            in the stack, this function finishes the merging"""
            while len(stack) > 1:
                # Only merges at -2, because when the invariant holds,
                # merging would be balanced
                merge(lst, stack, -2)
        # Starting index
        s = 0
        # Ending index
        e = len(lst) - 1
        # The stack
        stack = []
        # Compute min_run using size of lst
        min_run = merge_compute_minrun(len(lst))
        while s <= e:
            # Find a run, return [start, end, bool, length]
            run = count_run(lst, s)
            # If decreasing, reverse
            if run[2] == False:
                reverse(lst, run[0], run[1])
                # Change bool to True
                run[2] = True
            # If length of the run is less than min_run
            if run[3] < min_run:
                # The number of indices by which we want to extend the run
                # either by the distance to the end of the lst
                # or by the length difference between run and minrun
                extend = min(min_run - run[3], e - run[1])
                # Extend the run using binary insertion sort
                bin_sort(lst, run[0], run[1], extend)
                # Update last index of the run
                run[1] = run[1] + extend
                # Update the run length
                run[3] = run[3] + extend
            # Push the run into the stack
            # Start merging to maintain the invariant
            merge_collapse(lst, stack)
            # Update starting position to find the next run
            # If run[1] == end of the lst, s > e, loop exits
            s = run[1] + 1
        # Some runs might be left in the stack, complete the merging.
        merge_force_collapse(lst, stack)
        return lst


    속도 테스트

    1. 크기 100

     크기 100 (랜덤)
    크기 100 (내림차순 배열)
    크기 100 (오름차순 배열)
    크기 100 (부분 정렬)
    크기 100 (K정렬)
    크기 100 (모두 같은 값)
    크기 100 (거의 모두 같은 값)
    크기 100 (하나만 다른 값)


    2. 크기 10,000

    크기 10,000 (랜덤)
    크기 10,000 (내림차순 배열)
    크기 10,000 (오름차순 배열)
    크기 10,000 (부분 정렬)
    크기 10,000 (K정렬)
    크기 10,000 (모두 같은 값)
    크기 10,000 (거의 모두 같은 값)
    크기 10,000 (하나만 다른 값)


    3. 크기 1,000,000 (백만)

    크기 백만 (랜덤)
    크기 백만 (내림차순 배열)
    크기 백만 (오름차순 배열)
    크기 백만 (부분 정렬)
    크기 백만 (k정렬)
    크기 백만 (다 같은 값)
    크기 백만 (거의 모두 같은 값)
    크기 백만 (하나만 다른 값)


    배열 생성기 및 시간 복잡도 계산기 : choiseokwon.tistory.com/231


    파이썬 정렬 알고리즘 big-O 시간 복잡도 계산하기

    big-O Caculator v0.0.9.5 big-O-calculator A calculator to predict big-O of sorting functions pypi.org 1. 소개 C++ 버전에서 아이디어를 얻어 파이썬으로 모듈화 시키고 pypi에 업로드 해보았다. 시간 복..


    풀 코드 확인하기 : https://gist.github.com/Alfex4936/e8b6b7c06a181d3faa84b155b20e6de6


    TimSort + Introspective Sort + bogo Sort + pancake Sort + Insertion Sort + Binary Insertion Sort + Count Sort + Merge Sort + Qui

    TimSort + Introspective Sort + bogo Sort + pancake Sort + Insertion Sort + Binary Insertion Sort + Count Sort + Merge Sort + Quick Sort + Bubble Sort - Python Sorting Algorithms.py


    ※ 부정확한 코드들도 있음

