파이썬 go-lang sort() 구현컴퓨터/파이썬 2020. 8. 29. 10:13728x90반응형
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1. 소개
Go언어의 기본 정렬은 quickSort 변형을 사용하고 있다.
계산해보면, 시간 복잡도는 모든 상황에서 $O(nlog(n))$ | 공간 복잡도는 $O(1)$
Pseudo Code
# Go Sort procedure sort(A : array): let maxdepth = log2(length(A) - 1) × 2 quickSort(A, 0, len(A), maxdepth) procedure quickSort(A, a, b, maxdepth): n ← b - a while n ≥ 12: if maxdepth = 0: return heapsort(A) maxDepth-- low, high ← pivot quickSort(a, p) quickSort(p, b) else if n ≥ 1: # Gap 6, shellSort for i in range(a + 6, b): if A[i] < A[i - 6]: A[i], A[i - 6] = A[i - 6], A[i] return insertSort(A, a, b)
2. 구현
def goSort(array): maxDepth = 2 * (len(array).bit_length() - 1) # 2 * log2(len) - 1과 같음 quickSort(array, 0, len(array), maxDepth) return array
def quickSort(array, a, b, maxDepth): while b - a > 12: # Use ShellSort for slices <= 12 elements if maxDepth == 0: return heapSort(array, a, b) maxDepth -= 1 mlo, mhi = doPivot(array, a, b) # Avoiding recursion on the larger subproblem guarantees # a stack depth of at most lg(b-a). if mlo - a < b - mhi: quickSort(array, a, mlo, maxDepth) a = mhi # i.e., quickSort(array, mhi, b) else: quickSort(array, mhi, b, maxDepth) b = mlo # i.e., quickSort(array, a, mlo) if b - a > 1: # Do ShellSort pass with gap 6 # It could be written in this simplified form cause b-a <= 12 for i in range(a + 6, b): if array[i] < array[i - 6]: array[i], array[i - 6] = array[i - 6], array[i] return insertSort(array, a, b)
Pivot chooser
Lomuto의 파티션 기법을 기반으로, protect를 걸어 필요 이상으로 계산하는 것을 줄인 것 같다.
def doPivot(array, lo, hi): m = int(unsigned(lo + hi) >> 1) if hi - lo > 40: # Tukey's ``Ninther,'' median of three medians of three. s = (hi - lo) // 8 medianOfThree(array, lo, lo + s, lo + 2 * s) medianOfThree(array, m, m - s, m + s) medianOfThree(array, hi - 1, hi - 1 - s, hi - 1 - 2 * s) medianOfThree(array, lo, m, hi - 1) pivot = lo a, c = lo + 1, hi - 1 while a < c and array[a] < array[pivot]: a += 1 b = a while True: while b < c and array[pivot] >= array[b]: b += 1 while b < c and array[pivot] < array[c - 1]: c -= 1 if b >= c: break array[b], array[c - 1] = array[c - 1], array[b] b += 1 c -= 1 protect = hi - c < 5 if not protect and hi - c < (hi - lo) // 4: dups = 0 if array[pivot] >= array[hi - 1]: array[c], array[hi - 1] = array[hi - 1], array[c] c += 1 dups += 1 if array[b - 1] >= array[pivot]: b -= 1 dups += 1 if array[m] >= array[pivot]: array[m], array[b - 1] = array[b - 1], array[m] b -= 1 dups += 1 protect = dups > 1 if protect: while True: while a < b and array[b - 1] >= array[pivot]: b -= 1 while a < b and array[a] < array[pivot]: a += 1 if a >= b: break array[a], array[b - 1] = array[b - 1], array[a] a += 1 b -= 1 array[pivot], array[b - 1] = array[b - 1], array[pivot] return b - 1, c
a <= b <= c 로 만듦
def medianOfThree(array, m1, m0, m2): # sort 3 elements if array[m1] < array[m0]: array[m1], array[m0] = array[m0], array[m1] # data[m0] <= data[m1] if array[m2] < array[m1]: array[m2], array[m1] = array[m1], array[m2] # data[m0] <= data[m2] && data[m1] < data[m2] if array[m1] < array[m0]: array[m1], array[m0] = array[m0], array[m1] # now data[m0] <= data[m1] <= data[m2]
Heap Sort 및 Insertion Sort
def insertSort(array, begin=0, end=None): if end == None: end = len(array) for i in range(begin, end): j = i toChange = array[i] while j != begin and array[j - 1] > toChange: array[j] = array[j - 1] j -= 1 array[j] = toChange return array def siftDown(array, lo, hi, first): root = lo while True: child = 2 * root + 1 if child >= hi: break if child + 1 < hi and array[first + child] < array[first + child + 1]: child += 1 if array[first + root] >= array[first + child]: return array[first + root], array[first + child] = ( array[first + child], array[first + root], ) root = child def heapSort(array, a, b): first = a lo = 0 hi = b - a # Build heap with greatest element at top. for i in range((hi - 1) // 2, -1, -1): siftDown(array, i, hi, first) # Pop elements, largest first, into end of data. for i in range(hi - 1, -1, -1): array[first], array[first + i] = array[first + i], array[first] siftDown(array, lo, i, first)
3. 결과
크기 10,000 랜덤 배열 (6위)
array = [randint(-10000, 10000) for i in range(10000)]
크기 10,000 정렬된 배열 (8위)
array = [i for i in range(10000)]
크기 10,000 내림차순 정렬된 배열 (5위)
array = [i for i in reversed(range(10000))]
크기 10,000 부분 정렬된 랜덤 배열 (5위)
array = genRandomArray(size) sorted_array = self.genSortedArray(size) array[size // 4 : size // 2] = sorted_array[size // 4 : size // 2] return array
big-O 계산기로 계산 결과
파이썬 정렬 알고리즘 big-O 시간 복잡도 계산하기
big-O Caculator big-O-calculator A calculator to predict big-O of sorting functions pypi.org 1. 소개 C++ 버전으로 있는 걸 연습용으로 파이썬으로 작성하고 pypi에 업로드 해보았다. 시간 복잡도를 계산해..
더보기from bigO import bigO def goSort(array): # Time Complexity O(nlogn) | Space Complexity O(1) def insertSort(array, begin=0, end=None): if end == None: end = len(array) for i in range(begin, end): j = i toChange = array[i] while j != begin and array[j - 1] > toChange: array[j] = array[j - 1] j -= 1 array[j] = toChange return array def siftDown(array, lo, hi, first): root = lo while True: child = 2 * root + 1 if child >= hi: break if child + 1 < hi and array[first + child] < array[first + child + 1]: child += 1 if array[first + root] >= array[first + child]: return array[first + root], array[first + child] = ( array[first + child], array[first + root], ) root = child def heapSort(array, a, b): first = a lo = 0 hi = b - a # Build heap with greatest element at top. for i in range((hi - 1) // 2, -1, -1): siftDown(array, i, hi, first) # Pop elements, largest first, into end of data. for i in range(hi - 1, -1, -1): array[first], array[first + i] = array[first + i], array[first] siftDown(array, lo, i, first) def unsigned(n): return n & 0xFFFFFFFF def medianOfThree(array, m1, m0, m2): # sort 3 elements if array[m1] < array[m0]: array[m1], array[m0] = array[m0], array[m1] # data[m0] <= data[m1] if array[m2] < array[m1]: array[m2], array[m1] = array[m1], array[m2] # data[m0] <= data[m2] && data[m1] < data[m2] if array[m1] < array[m0]: array[m1], array[m0] = array[m0], array[m1] # now data[m0] <= data[m1] <= data[m2] def doPivot(array, lo, hi): m = int(unsigned(lo + hi) >> 1) if hi - lo > 40: # Tukey's ``Ninther,'' median of three medians of three. s = (hi - lo) // 8 medianOfThree(array, lo, lo + s, lo + 2 * s) medianOfThree(array, m, m - s, m + s) medianOfThree(array, hi - 1, hi - 1 - s, hi - 1 - 2 * s) medianOfThree(array, lo, m, hi - 1) pivot = lo a, c = lo + 1, hi - 1 while a < c and array[a] < array[pivot]: a += 1 b = a while True: while b < c and array[pivot] >= array[b]: b += 1 while b < c and array[pivot] < array[c - 1]: c -= 1 if b >= c: break array[b], array[c - 1] = array[c - 1], array[b] b += 1 c -= 1 protect = hi - c < 5 if not protect and hi - c < (hi - lo) // 4: dups = 0 if array[pivot] >= array[hi - 1]: array[c], array[hi - 1] = array[hi - 1], array[c] c += 1 dups += 1 if array[b - 1] >= array[pivot]: b -= 1 dups += 1 if array[m] >= array[pivot]: array[m], array[b - 1] = array[b - 1], array[m] b -= 1 dups += 1 protect = dups > 1 if protect: while True: while a < b and array[b - 1] >= array[pivot]: b -= 1 while a < b and array[a] < array[pivot]: a += 1 if a >= b: break array[a], array[b - 1] = array[b - 1], array[a] a += 1 b -= 1 array[pivot], array[b - 1] = array[b - 1], array[pivot] return b - 1, c def quickSort(array, a, b, maxDepth): while b - a > 12: # Use ShellSort for slices <= 12 elements if maxDepth == 0: return heapSort(array, a, b) maxDepth -= 1 mlo, mhi = doPivot(array, a, b) # Avoiding recursion on the larger subproblem guarantees # a stack depth of at most lg(b-a). if mlo - a < b - mhi: quickSort(array, a, mlo, maxDepth) a = mhi # i.e., quickSort(array, mhi, b) else: quickSort(array, mhi, b, maxDepth) b = mlo # i.e., quickSort(array, a, mlo) if b - a > 1: # Do ShellSort pass with gap 6 # It could be written in this simplified form cause b-a <= 12 for i in range(a + 6, b): if array[i] < array[i - 6]: array[i], array[i - 6] = array[i - 6], array[i] return insertSort(array, a, b) maxDepth = 2 * (len(array).bit_length() - 1) quickSort(array, 0, len(array), maxDepth) return array tester = bigO.bigO() #complexity, _, res = tester.test(goSort, "random") tester.test_all(goSort)
한줄평 : 모든 상황에서 quickSort보다 무난하게 빠르며, 나쁘지 않음
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